Build a event-driven app with Micronaut, Kafka and Debezium
Confluent Schema Registry and Rust
10 Kafka Best Practices
Consumindo mensagens do Kafka sem dor de cabeça
Testes no Kafka com JUnit
Getting Started With Apache Kafka and Java
Deploy Kafka + Filebeat + ELK - Docker Edition - Part 1
Deploy Kafka + Filebeat + ELK - Docker Edition - Part 2
My Experience Getting Confluent Certification for Apache Kafka [CCDAK]
How to easily install kafka without zookeeper
Helpful Tools for Apache Kafka Developers
A streaming/communication platform for the data mesh (proof-of-value)
Getting started with Kafka Connector for Azure Cosmos DB using Docker
Dipping toes into Kafka and Node
Kafka Sink
Apache Kafka: Apprentice Cookbook
Optimizing Kafka producers for latency
Notes on Kafka: Kafka CLI Commands
Notes on Kafka: Brokers, Producers, and Consumers
Notes on Kafka: Topics, Partitions, and Offset