How to build a food delivery app like GrubHub and Deliveroo? - A Developer’s Guide (5 bonus tips + cost of development)

The on-demand delivery business concept has taken a shift towards the upward curve in the market due to the pandemic. The developers are expected to be quicker and efficient in understanding the market needs.

Using this opportunity, the developers can help more entrepreneurs to transform their traditionally running delivery businesses into an on-demand contactless food delivery business.

To encourage this, the developers in the market have to understand the changing needs of the market and the business owners to secure a client.

In this short article, you’ll get to know the technology to use to build an on-demand food delivery app, the cost of development, and key tips for the developers to sustain themselves in the tech market.

Let’s get started with it!

What latest technology to use for building your on-demand food delivery app?

The most preferred technology for building an on-demand food delivery app is Flutter.

The biggest question seems to be why Flutter?

The single code base makes it easier for the developers to discover opportunities to build a wholesome app experience for the end-users. Since it’s just a single code for both Android and iOS - the testing time is tremendously reduced, the errors are fixed simultaneously using the Hot reload.

These are some of the other support software that will help the developers in creating a wonderful on-demand food delivery app for your business.

Maps and Flutter location plugin -

When it comes to delivery, the location is the most component factor of running this business.

To make it easier on the users, integrating both the Google Maps and the Flutter location plugins will help with live routing and tracking which will, in turn, enhance the delivery experience.

GraphQL -

The Application Programming Interface (API) is used to build a connection between the computer software or device itself without having to know how they are implemented.

By using GraphQL, a well-constructed API can be built to enhance the performance of the on-demand delivery platform.

Adhara Socket io -

The Adhara is like a library that enables bidirectional (two-way), real-time communication between the browser and the server.

Firebase platform -

The purpose of integrating the Firebase platform is to have a proper flow of communication in the platform. It handles a smooth pass of information through push notification and helps with crash analytics.

What is the cost of development for creating an online food delivery app like GrubHub or Deliveroo?

We helped the developers to gain insights into technology. Now, it’s time to help the business owner (the admin) of the food delivery business to know how much it costs to develop an on-demand food delivery app!

The plan of any business owner is to own a software solution that is futuristic, flexible, and scalable with time and demand. A ready-made on-demand food delivery app is the best option to consider when it comes to budget.

Usually, an on-demand app developed from scratch costs around $50,000 to $70,000 excluding technical help and other support factors.

But a ready-made solution will be around $5000 (including the white labeling charges) with a labor cost of $25 per hour of development if there are any additional features and such.

Think of the money you’ll be saving!

Tips for developers to build a wholesome on-demand food delivery app:

These are the list of tips that a developer has to have in mind when he/she builds an on-demand food delivery app for their clients.

  1. The registration process has to be quick, efficient, and simple. More the registration step, more customers leave even before getting into the app.

  2. Have live support in the app ALWAYS. The end-users might need help with using the app anytime. Just make sure that the option is available for them to receive instant help.

  3. Develop a hassle-free admin interface. As the admins are the one who is overlooking the business, it is essential for their dashboard to be visual and simple-to-use.

  4. Make sure that the analytics of the platform performance is extractable. The admin of the on-demand food delivery app would love to have their insights calculated for the next step for their business.

  5. The force update option could be enforced for the users. As most of the end-users forget to update their apps on a regular basis, a notification on force update could be a better user experience.

Making an app-based business successful is not only based on the marketing strategies, business plans, and other management software to make it more comfortable to run the business.

It is about the user experience, outsourcing a perfect team of software developers for your ready-made solutions, and things to take note of before developing an app.