pypi packages with GitHub actions
GitHub actions are a great way to get your ci/cd done.
In this post we will see how we can run ci flow with lint, package, test and publish a python package. Using the sample repo
This will help you get started on a simple GitHub action for a pypi package.
Refer to GitHub Workflow Syntax for documentation.
Workflows have jobs and steps under that, our workflow is defined in the file
This is configured to run when a commit happens on the main branch.
The steps in the workflow include
- checkout (using predefined action actions/checkout@v2 )
- Install dependencies required in the workflow
- run pylint for linting
- build the pypi package
- get version from version file in the repository ( this will be used with the test step )
- install the package from dist/*
- run unit test
- publish package to pypi ( using pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish )
- install package from pypi URL to verify
Version is read from the version file both on the setup.py and in the workflow during install/test
Once we make a commit on the main branch, we can see the workflow run on the actions tab of the repository

| Note: if you notice the workflow file we can see a secret being used with in package upload. Add a GitHub secret called PYPI_TOKEN which has the token from pypi account.
| Check https://pypi.org/help/#apitoken for steps to generate the token