next-export-i18n v1.3.0: respecing the user's default language

Today I released version 1.3.0 of next-export-i18n, the i18n module for Next.js which is fully compatible with next export.

Install next-export-i18n with $ npm i next-export-i18n or get next-export-i18n v1.3.0 from npm.js.

New feature: Respecting the user's default language

Starting with Version 1.3.0, next-export-i18nreads the user's default language settings from the browser. If this language is available as i18n it is automatically used as the default language.

About next-export-i18n

This npm module provides a simple solution for Internationalization (i18n) of projects using next export.

Next.js already has support for internationalized (i18n) routing out-of-the-box. You can provide a list of locales, a default as well as domain-specific locales and Next.js automatically handles the routing. It streamlines the touring and locale parsing for nearly all existing l18n library solutions available for Next.js such as react-intl, react-i18next, lingui, rosetta, next-intl.

Unfortunately, Next.js i18n-routing does not supports next export.
This means that none of the i18n-libraries (which are utilizing the build in i18n-routing) is able to support fully static sites which are generated with next export.

next-export-i18n provides a simple solution for Internationalization (i18n) when you want to generate a truly static website with next export.

Sample implementation

You can also take a look at the example implementation and its source code at github:


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Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash


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