Six Angular Best Practices You need to apply to make your App perform at its best!
When you want to build robust applications that are content-heavy and complex in terms of size and functionalities, which ultimately can affect the performance of an Angular application, you must make the development process as efficient as possible to get the optimum advantage of this robust front-end technology.
However, as it is said a ship cant sail smoothly forever
When such a performance crisis hits hard, there are few actions that project managers tend to run to. However, it is not always an effective practice that one should do. Thatswhy, you need to approach the solution beforehand the error happens. And Angular App Optimisation would be the first step towards enhancing the overall performance of your Angular App.
This way, you will save your web application from going through any such malfunctioning in the first place. To get a headstart over this, take some preventive measures, and having said that, optimisation of your app performance would be the first step that you will need to begin with
By performing the performance quality check, one can find several problems faced by the majority of the Angular community members. For instance,
- Real-time data stream causing unexpected errors
- Periodic slowdown
- Unexpected page crash
- Slow page response
- Unnecessary server usage
- Not getting results for a short period from the migrated technology.
As an Angular Developer, you can take advantage of many dev tools in order to evaluate the performance of the web application or the page. These tools analyse idle time, application responsiveness, and performing issues in dynamic levels.
Although, to tweak some major performance issues and basic shortcomings, you can take certain steps like change detections, OnPush immutability, and try using Angular pipes mechanism instead of using methods.
Utilizing AoT Compilation which is vastly known as Ahead-of-Time compilation, significantly affects the total requirement to bootstrap your web application.
AoT Compiler basically pre-compiles the transcript code and HTML before the browser downloads it, which ultimately gives a significant amount of boost to your app performance.
The compiled version of the app renders the rapid performance of your app, decreasing the bootstrap timing for a fair amount of time.
Resizing the images and encryption of the data is one of the lengthiest processes that affect the app's performance inversely, making the user experience more complex.
An experienced Angular Developer will put such issues on the secondary loop to enhance the user experience. As the web workers are the backbone of the performance of CPU-intensive operations, it handles such issues in the background while other issues have been taken care of in the main loop.
The prominent job of a web worker is to run the algorithms and encrypt the data on dynamic levels.
In order to avoid unnecessary server requests and loading, optimisation of the events should be your first checkbox to enhance your performance. Usually, after faster working DOMs, only one attribute that could work efficiently is minifying the business logic of the events.
In the cases of minimal or no optimisation, the components are dependent on other platforms and could take more time to process the app optimisation.
In order to work on your user demand, the model of lazy loading can significantly decrease the startup time, which eventually can reduce the total time of loading. Moreover, since Angular applications are generally made for large organisations and enterprises, it has a large-scale applications structure.
The features of the module of lazy loading will automatically accelerate the loading time, giving your users a seamless UI and generating high engagement from your customer base.
Angular Development technology has been established with numerous built-in pipes which work significantly on fine-tuning the output of any number of inputs tuned into. Basically, it transforms the inputs into any kind of desirable outputs that an Angular Developer wants.
In order to simplify the code Architecture and increase the code reusability, the Angular Developers are required to get maximum advantage of this structure.
The prominent traits of in-built Async pipes enable your Angular Application to release a boatload of the web app and get the app's speed faster than ever.
So this is it, we have covered the prominent practices covering 360-degree aspects that can lead to enhancing the performance of your Angular Application and giving you an edge when it comes to serving your users right.
Furthermore, if you still feel your angular app needs an expert touch, Hire Angular developer from the top-notch Angular Development Company, fill the talent skill gap in your team, and take optimum advantage of this extensive front-end technology your app.