Kotlin vs Java: 10 Years In
Better Unit Tests with Parameterized Tests
Kotlin vs. Java: Which is the better Android Development Language
Wednesday Links - Edition 2021-06-23
Why Using GlobalScope Is Discouraged In Kotlin-Coroutines?
"Acceptable amount of magic', — Karin-Aleksandra Monoid
How to plan your first project with microservices and Spring Boot
AOS Hackathon
Beyond preferences
🛠 Reactive Streams with Kotlin, Webflux, and Rsocket-JS
How Proper Lifecycle Management Can Prevent Memory Leaks
Idiomatic Kotlin: Solving Advent of Code Puzzles, Day 2
How to Show an Activity on Lock Screen instead of a Notification
Kotlin Tutorial - 4 Built-in Data Structures
Mediator Pattern in Kotlin
Criando uma API com Ktor
How to Write a Command-Line Tool with Kotlin Multiplatform
Top 4 lenguajes más amados en 2020
The State of Developer Ecosystem 2021
JWT authentication + mongodb with Ktor