Competitive Proramming Roadmap

From last two months or so i really wanted to start competitive programming and get those shiny stars on codechef, i tried but failed. I participated in some contests but i couldn't solve more than first two problems (which were based on simple number theory and calculations).

Yesterday i found a video on youtube by striver_79 on Competitive Programming roadmap, after watching video i decided to retry competitive programming but with more dedication and hard work.

I've prepared my plan for this week which is like this:


  1. Time complexity (i know how to calculate for simple loops but struggles in complex problems).


  1. Implementation of circular array (should be easy).
  2. Basic number-related questions like perfect number, armstrong number etc.


  1. Learn basic concept of Hashing.
  2. Solve simple problems related to hashing like frequency counting etc.


  1. Prefix Sum 1D and 2D


Cancelled all my Sunday plans and will revise previous topics and solve problems related to them.

I will try to post my progress every one or two days here on DEV community which will surely help me to keep myself motivated.

If you have any suggestions for me please leave them in the comment below as they will help me to improve myself.



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