Cyber Security — A necessity of time?

“Hey, you heard about the Air India Hack?”.
“Yes, I did, but what about the Domino’s India hack?
There are links floating to check if our data is out!!!”

These conversations have made their way into our lives on a regular basis. Especially during the pandemic, the number of hacks has increased and have made global news. Our lives are so dependent on the internet, knowingly or unknowingly, we put out a lot of information onto the internet which makes it easier for the attackers or “Hackers” to target you. More Information leads to easier targeting of us and our systems. A lot of bank frauds, or any kind of financial frauds, happen mostly due to the information available on the internet and finding other ways to get information from our life. We overlook these small details and give out information that the malicious attackers turn to their advantage.

Importance of Cyber Security

Dipesh Kaura, general manager at Kaspersky (South Asia) said, “The importance of cyber security cannot be questioned today. Internet users, including work-from-home employees, need to understand how grave these threats can be and have at least an anti-virus/internet security solution and basic cyber security awareness to protect themselves online.”

It is not just the people or public sector companies that get hacked or attacked, the government bodies have also been affected and have caused massive data leaks about information on the population as well as the government projects. Government bodies have inculcated IT security and Data Security as priorities for their infrastructure. The government in each country provides opportunities to security enthusiasts to work for their country and help protect it.

Careers In Cyber Security

For careers in Cyber Security, degrees in IT are your starting points for the right education and skills. Another way to refine your skills is to get certified and make your resume more appealing.

Cyber Security and Cyber Awareness are the two most important things and have become the necessity of time. Everyone should start gaining, piece by piece, the knowledge of the concepts in security of our gadgets and networks. Cyber Security is a very vast concept that includes defending as well as attacking in order to get an idea of what is secure and what is to be secured. The increase in Cyber Attacks, may it be personal or organizational level, has significantly increased in the fast moving world relying on the internet to get all kinds of work done.

Who are we?

With these blogs, we at < root i ssh > , aim to bring to the world, the knowledge of Cyber Security in aspects of self safety and choosing Cyber Security as a career choice for the energetic youth as well as the experienced elder personnel. We will publish our blogs in the sense of a road-map towards learning methodologies and various tools involved in the cyber security domain. We will be posting blogs about various terminologies and techniques that help you to understand self safety to the very least. That’s not all! We will also be making blogs on the Certifications and also walk-throughs of various CTFs.

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