Creating React Native Movies App Using Real API and React Native CLI

I woke up one day morning, and I was thinking all night :D : what is better, React Native , Or Flutter for mobile apps developments?
Actually I wanted to to give a try to make exactly the same application in both frameworks
I did the one with React native and I am in progress to create the one with flutter,
the estimated spent time to build it with React Native was about 16 hours.
Now I am going with it in flutter I already spent 9 hours and I am almost done with it! ( I will share it as well )

After installation and setting up the environment based on React Native Documentation

Then we create a new project:

npx react-native init MoviesApp

I used as well the React Native Navigation , which is an external library for navigation between screens in the mobile app

the structure of the app looks like:

The entry point of the project is the APP.js , I was just calling another component for the navigation and add the page stacks

import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import {ActivityIndicator, SafeAreaView, StatusBar, Text, View} from 'react-native';
import {NavigationContainer} from '@react-navigation/native';
import MainNavigator from './src/Navigators/MainNavigator';
import {ThemeColors} from './src/Theme';
import Toast from 'react-native-toast-message';

// API
import {apiKey} from './src/utils';

const colors = ThemeColors.colors;

const App = () => {
  const [ready, setReady] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (apiKey.api_key) {
    return () => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: colors.background}}>
      <StatusBar hidden={true} />
      {ready ? (
          <MainNavigator />
      ) : (
        // Just to check to insert your own Api Key. This would not go to customer
          <ActivityIndicator size={'large'} />
          <Text style={{fontSize: 18, color: colors.white}}>
            Make sure you inserted your own API Key
          <Text style={{fontSize: 18, color: colors.white}}>
            Located at src/utils/keys
      <Toast ref={ref => Toast.setRef(ref)} />

export default App;

and the Main stack navigation component I call it with the screen compoennts :

import React from 'react';
import {createStackNavigator} from '@react-navigation/stack';
import {Home, Detail, Search} from '../Screens';
import {Navbar} from '../Components';

// Theme
import {ThemeColors} from '../Theme';
const colors = ThemeColors.colors;

const Stack = createStackNavigator();

function MainStack() {
  return (
        headerStyle: {elevation: 0},
        cardStyle: {backgroundColor: colors.background},
          // Add a custom Header to stack navigation
          header: ({navigation}) => <Navbar navigation={navigation} />,
          headerTransparent: true,
          header: ({navigation}) => (
            <Navbar main={false} navigation={navigation} />
          headerTransparent: true,
          header: ({navigation}) => (
            <Navbar main={false} navigation={navigation} />
          headerTransparent: true,

export default function MainNavigator() {
  return <MainStack />;

I have created the full explanation of the movies app creation after diving in many small details :

  • Setting up the environment correctly
  • Navigate between screens
  • Navigate to screens dynamically
  • Use of The Movie Database API
  • Add custom styles
  • Component base development
  • React Hooks
  • Functional Components
  • Get Movies by genre
  • Lists
  • Search Movie Method
  • Image Galleries
  • Video Player and its commands