How to apply auto routes like Nuxt.js on Quasar v2
install vue-auto-routing
and vue-router-layout
$ npm i -D vue-auto-routing vue-router-layout
# or
$ yarn add -D vue-auto-routing vue-router-layout
import { route } from 'quasar/wrappers'
import { createRouter, createMemoryHistory, createWebHistory, createWebHashHistory } from 'vue-router'
import autoroutes from 'vue-auto-routing'
autoroutes.unshift({ path: '', component: () => import('pages/index.vue') })
import { createRouterLayout } from 'vue-router-layout'
const RouterLayout = createRouterLayout(layout => {
return import('layouts/' + layout + '.vue')
const routes = [{ path: '/', component: RouterLayout, children: autoroutes }]
export default route(function (/* { store, ssrContext } */) {
const createHistory = process.env.SERVER
? createMemoryHistory
: (process.env.VUE_ROUTER_MODE === 'history' ? createWebHistory : createWebHashHistory)
const Router = createRouter({
scrollBehavior: () => ({ left: 0, top: 0 }),
history: createHistory(process.env.MODE === 'ssr' ? void 0 : process.env.VUE_ROUTER_BASE)
return Router
Yes. you can delete src/route/routes.js
if you don't need extra routes.
// ... quasar imports
const VueAutoRoutingPlugin = require('vue-auto-routing/lib/webpack-plugin')
// ...
module.exports = configure(function (ctx) {
return {
// ...
build: {
// ...
// Add
extendWebpack (cfg, { isServer, isClient }) {
cfg.plugins.push(new VueAutoRoutingPlugin({
pages: 'src/pages',
importPrefix: 'pages/'
// ...
Then run quasar run
and you should see your vue page via your vue page path within pages
In order to use <route>
tag for per-page route difinition, You should add a js file with dummy function and edit quasar.conf.js
for avoid build error.
module.exports = function () {
return ''
because quasar.config.js
and webpack
use CommonJS
Of course, you can make this file in path you want to.
module.exports = configure(function (ctx) {
return {
// ...
build: {
// ...
chainWebpack (chain) {
// add these lines below:
// ...rest of webapck chaining
// ...
// ...
on build
, you won't see the error like:
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (3:8)
File was processed with these loaders:
* ./node_modules/@quasar/app/lib/webpack/loader.vue.auto-import-quasar.js
* ./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js
You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
| {
> "name": "WhyNotWorkingWithRouteTag"
| }
Happy vue coding with Quasar 2!