5 Best VS Code Extensions As a Web Dev
Today I will show my personal favourite and best Visual Studio code extensions as a web dev.
1. Live Server
This is the VS Code extension I use the most. It can open a HTML file in the browser and it automatically reloads. But what's the best, that it creates a server, so you can do PHP, import libraries in JavaScript and more.
2. Prettier
Prettier is just a code formatter for JavaScript, TypeScript, Flow, JSX, JSON, CSS, SCSS, Less HTML, Vue, Angular, GraphQL, Markdown and YAML.
This extension colorizes every bracket pair (as the name says).
Live Sass Compiler compiles/transpiles your SASS/SCSS to CSS with live browser reload.
It renames a pair of tags with multicursor.
These were my personal 5 best Visual Studio Code Extensions. And sorry for the bad writing skills, but this is my first post! :P