Backup your repos via GitHub Actions
Anything may be lost unless you have a backup for them.
This article tell you how to backup your git repositories via GitHub Actions.
In this article, our final target is to backup git repositories under the user-a to another user named user-b .
Before all, we need to create a new git repository used to run the backup workflow, and there will be some files in it and you can use the command tree to have a check:
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ └── mirror.yaml
Normally, we wouldn’t to expose our secrets directly, so we need to create some secrets in the GitHub repository settings which will be used to clone, create and push git repo:
- GH_TOKEN_A is the user-a ‘s GitHub AccessToken
- GH_TOKEN_B is the user-b ‘s GitHub AccessToken
- SLACK_WEBHOOK is used to notify us while the workflow started or ended
We’ll use the command-line tool gh to list user-a ‘s github repositories:
echo ${GH_TOKEN_A} > gh_token_a
gh auth login --with-token < gh_token_a
gh repo list user-a -L 1000 > a_repos
cat a_repos
cat a_repos | wc -l
Before push the git repo, we need to make the repo existed under the user user-b , like list repos above, we also use gh to create a git repo with the same name:
gh repo create user-b/${repo_name} --private --description "${repo}" -y || true
While we make sure that the repo with the same name is already existed under the user user-b , we can clone the git repo from the user user-a first.
Unlike normal git clone, we should use the flag --bare to
clone the repo:
git clone --bare https://${GH_TOKEN_A}@github.com/user-a/${repo_name}.git ${repo_name}
Finally, we can push the cloned repo to user-b ‘s repo which has the same name.
And we will use two flags to push them:
means push all branches -
means push all refs, contains all branches and tags
cd ${repo_name}
git push --all -f ${mirror_repo} || true
git push --mirror -f ${mirror_repo} || true
This is the full workflow script:
name: Mirror repos
- cron: "0 18 * * 0-4" # 设置定时任务,周一到周五的凌晨2点进行备份
workflow_dispatch: # 手动触发构建
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: GitHub CLI version
run: gh --version
- name: List repos
GH_TOKEN_A: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN_A }}
run: |
echo ${GH_TOKEN_A} > gh_token_a
gh auth login --with-token < gh_token_a
gh repo list user-a -L 1000 > a_repos
cat a_repos
cat a_repos | wc -l
- name: Mirror repos
GH_TOKEN_A: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN_A }}
GH_TOKEN_B: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN_B }}
IGNORE_REPOS: "/repo_a/repo_b/"
ONLY_BRANCH_REPOS: "/repo_c/repo_d/"
run: |
echo ${GH_TOKEN_B} > gh_token_b
gh auth login --with-token < gh_token_b
mkdir repos
cd repos
set -x
cat ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/a_repos | while read repo; do
repo_name=$(echo ${repo} | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F/ '{print $2}')
[[ ${IGNORE_REPOS} =~ "/${repo_name}/" ]] && continue || true
gh repo create user-b/${repo_name} --private --description "${repo}" -y || true
rm -rf ${repo_name}
git clone --bare https://${GH_TOKEN_A}@github.com/user-a/${repo_name}.git ${repo_name}
cd ${repo_name}
git push --all -f ${mirror_repo} || true
[[ ${ONLY_BRANCH_REPOS} =~ "/${repo_name}/" ]] && continue || true
git push --mirror -f ${mirror_repo} || true
cd -
- name: Slack Notification
uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@v2