SAP Hybris code review checklist


Because the code should be fully extensible and easy to test, the reviewed code should not contain:

  • final methods/classes (except low-level platform features)
  • private methods
  • static methods
  • Utility classes should have only static methods and with very simple functionality.


  • All Item Types which are extending GenericItem should have a deployment table.
  • All many-to-many relations should have a deployment table.
  • Deployment type codes must be greater than 10000.
  • Check that more abstract types are defined more to the beginning of the items.xml and more concrete types are more to the end.
  • Item type names must be started with an uppercase letter.
  • Item type names should not be started with Generated
  • Attribute names should be started with a lowercase letter.
  • Item type must have at least one unique attribute.
  • The Item type assignment must be described in the description tag.
  • Mandatory attributes (optional="false") should have either initial value defined.
  • Boolean attributes must be defined (because they could store null/true/false).
  • Relations that have cardinality='many' should not have option ordered='true' unless absolutely necessary.
  • CatalogVersion attributes must be unique for Catalog aware types.
  • Unique attributes should have database indexes.
  • Check whether the attribute needs to be localized.
  • Check those attribute definitions are not changed.
  • Check that deployment code or table names are not changed.


  • There is no mixing headers
  • There is INSERT_UPDATE rather than INSERT in Large, One-hit Imports
  • Many-to-many Relations are imported separately
  • Essential data impexes should only contain must needed data

Service and DAO

  • Name of the interfaces of services should be the related domain concept with Service on the end.
  • The interfaces of services should be located in the root package or in a subpackage named after the domain concept if appropriate (example: de.hybris.platform.catalog.CatalogService)
  • Services should not contain Flexible search queries inside business logic
  • The names of interfaces for DAO should be ended with DAO
  • DAO interfaces should be located in a package daos underneath the package of the service interface. (example: de.hybris.platform.catalog.daos.CatalogDao, de.hybris.platform.catalog.daos.impl.DefaultCatalogDao)
  • DAO methods should be named as findByXXXX where XXXX lists the parameters for the method
  • DAO/Service should not return null
  • DAO should return an empty list if nothing is found
  • DAO should use FlexibleSearchService.searchUnique() when searching for a single item
  • DAO should use pagination for potentially large queries to prevent performance issues
  • Services method should be named with the following pattern: getFor(). For example:
ProductModel getProductForCode(String code);
List<ProductModel> getProductsForCategory(CategoryModel category);
List<ProductModel> getOnlineProductsForBrand(BrandModel brand);
  • If more than one is found for a single result, it should throw AmbiguousIdentifierException
  • If none is found, it should throws UnknownIdentifierException
  • It is useful to use a parameter object instead of a long list of method parameters.
  • Instead of IllegalArgumentException use ServicesUtil.validateParameterNotNull,or analogs to check if an input parameter was provided.


  • Each class should have a related test class (including web classes) in the same package as the class it is testing but under the testsrc folder.
  • All public methods should be covered by unit tests.
  • Happy path scenario should be covered
  • All exception scenarios should be covered
  • Basic edge cases should be covered
  • Tests should not depend on other tests
  • Tests should roll back their transaction or clean up after themselves completely
  • Tests should be responsible for inserting the data they require


  • Existed properties should not be changed
  • Properties should be documented
  • Listener classes should not contain any significant business logic inside.
  • DTO beans should be defined in beans.xml files instead of java classes.
  • Controllers should use Facades, not Services and Daos

Created based on official documentation

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