Everything you want to know about Verified Mark Certificates and BIMI Standards

When it comes to information genuineness we tend to trust only renown sources. You know which sources to trust when you are reading information on social media, yes, we are talking about verified accounts on social media. In-order to minimize the continuously exploding phishing frauds in the inbox, Certifying Authorities have taken an initiative to issue verified mark certificates for brands to show their brand logo in the email inbox.

To make this challenging task a reality Google announced full support for the movement. This functionality will use BIMI standards (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) to show the verification mark within email clients.

BIMI provides a secure, global framework enabling email inboxes to display sender-designated logos for authenticated messages. It also includes protections to prevent senders from spoofing logos owned by other organizations

What are the benefits of BIMI?

BIMI offers several important benefits to end users as well as to marketers across the globe.

  1. BIMI can reduce the amount of phishing activities.
  2. It offers improved email security by using existing email authentication technologies like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.
  3. Provides a great opportunity for every marketers email to get read first because of logo recall.
  4. BIMI increases the confidence in the mind of a recipient as they see a verified logo against the sender name.

    What are Verified Mark Certificates ?

    Verified Mark Certificates aka VMC is a digital certificate that authenticates your organization to display a logo in the email clients. This allow companies to show verified logo (brand logo) in the sender field of an email clients. VMCs work on the BIMI standards. Below is the representation how your email clients will show your brand logos after implementation of VMC.

Verified Mark Certificate in Action

How to get Verified Mark Certificates?

As of now Google & the BIMI group has not rolled out any specific date of its implementation. As per Google the pilot testing has started and will be made live for all by the end of 2020. An organization would require getting VMCs to show BIMI standard logos.

In case you would like to register for BIMI and want numerous VMC then contact us. We will get back to you with all the relevant details at the earliest.