Fetching Yelp API via Netlify Function with React.js [pt. 7]

Previous part covering steps 21-23 is right here.

In this part I will:

  • fix three functionality issues (browser reload, new search, incomplete search)
  • style fetched data with grid, flex and position properties,
  • deploy app to Netlify

24. Fixing some issues

Now, when data is securely fetched from API and correctly displayed in the browser, it is time to get rid of a few tiny functionality flaws. The following three bother me the most:

24.1 Reloading browser right after searching


  1. I've had entered and submitted some search criteria, e.g. pizza/Berlin and I'm under URL with search?term=pizza&location=Berlin query string. My browser shows me the rendered list of pizzerias in Berlin.

  2. entering state is emptied ({food: "", town: ""}).

  3. submitting state contains {food: "pizza", town: "Berlin"}.

  4. KEY STEP: I'm reloading the browser.

  5. Render is gone (as I wanted and expected), so I can see only Input fields and Search button.

  6. submitting state is emptied ({food: "", town: ""}), that's correct too.


  • I am still under URL with search?term=pizza&location=Berlin query string.
  • I want to be under just homepage URL, without query string.


πŸ‘‰ In step 12.4 (part 3) I used useHistory hook and history object to generate query string. I did it in Inputs component. Right know, in this step, I'll use the same method in App component to remove it:

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πŸ‘‰ In step 16.1 (part 4) I created netlify.toml configuration file with some redirects rules. Right now I need to update them with this code:

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πŸ‘‰ I repeat the whole USE CASE, and after reloading the browser, query string is gone.

24.2 New search, right after the previous one


  1. I repeat steps 1-3 from previous use case

  2. KEY STEP: without clicking at homepage link, nor without reloading the browser, I'm entering some new search criteria, e.g. vegan/Sydney and submitting them.

  3. as a result of this new search, my submitting state contains {food: "vegan", town: "Sydney"} as it should

  4. also query string is correct: search?term=vegan&location=Sydney


  • browser still shows the same render with pizzerias in Berlin


πŸ‘‰ First of all, I wanna check if API was even fetched:

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So I repeat the whole USE CASE and after submission of vegan/Sydney I check my DevTools:

DevTools > Console
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Seems to me, that for some reason a new fetching wasn't triggered at all.

πŸ‘‰ To fix that, I need to make use of Dependency Array in my useEffect hook. In step 7.2 (part 2) I passed submitting state, as prop, to Fetched component. Now it's time to use it:

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Right now, every time when submitting state will change, fetchingYelpFx function will run, which means fetching will be triggered. I repeat the whole USE CASE again and after submission of vegan/Sydney I check my DevTools:

DevTools > Console
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Looks promising, so I check my render:

The currently rendered data matches the actual query string.

24.3 Leaving Input field(s) empty, then search


  • I search for pizza, but I do not specify any town. Or, I search for Berlin, but I do not specify any food. Or, I do not specify anything at all, just click Submit button.

🟨 /Berlin SCENARIO:

  • submitting state contains {food: "", town: "Berlin"}
  • query string contains search?term=&location=Berlin

🟨 pizza/ SCENARIO:

  • submitting state contains {food: "pizza", town: ""}
  • query string contains search?term=pizza&location=


  • submitting state contains {food: "", town: ""}
  • query string contains search?term=&location=


πŸŸ₯ /Berlin SCENARIO is not big deal really, I just get useless data in my render: landmarks, buildings, parks and museums mixed up with food stands, restaurants and cafeterias. Total mess.

πŸŸ₯ pizza/ and / SCENARIOS are bigger problem which must be solved: no render whatsoever, and as if that was not enough, error in browser console:

DevTools > Console
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πŸ‘‰ I want to define more precisely a condition when Fetched component will be rendered:

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πŸ‘‰ I need to specify under what circumstances a query string will be generated:

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πŸ‘‰ Finally, I must define when exactly a fetching can be triggered:

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Right now, /Berlin, pizza/ and / SCENARIOS will not happen.

25. Styling fetched data

25.1 grid value

Right now I'm rendering data in the same order as I'm fetching it: image_url goes first, name goes below, rating and review_count go next, display_address and each title on the end. It looks like this:

I would like to make adjustments to my code and achieve something like this:

So I will:

  • add a className property to div tag containing all fetched data,
  • wrap all p tags with text data in new, common div tag with className property assigned to it:

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With newly reorganized HTML code I can style it. For display property I will use grid value.

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I run netlify dev --live command, enter some search criteria, e.g. pizza/Berlin and submit them.

With this style, for each fetched data set, I render image on the left side, and text data on the right.

25.2 flex value

Right now I'm rendering each title below the previous one, like this:

I would like to render all of them in one line, like this:

So I will:

  • add a className property to p tag containing a single fetched title,
  • wrap categories constant in new div tag with className property assigned to it:

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With newly reorganized HTML code I can style it. For display property I will use flex value. Additionally I'll adjust some fonts size.

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I run netlify dev --live command, enter some search criteria, e.g. pizza/Berlin and submit them.

With this style, all titles instead of to be displayed as a list, are render in one line, like a sentence.

25.3 position property

I would like to align each title to the bottom of its associated image.

In order to achieve it, I will alter default value of position property, both in div className="all-categories" tag and his parent div className="one-single-record" tag.

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I run netlify dev --live command, enter some search criteria, e.g. pizza/Berlin and submit them.

titles are aligned, seems to me style is completed.

26. Deploying to Netlify

In step 19.1 (part 5) I initialized my stoic-bartik-7b88ce app on app.netlify.com. Since then, this app has not yet been deployed status and to make it accessible via http protocol, I need to run public live session with netlify dev --live command. In the long run it's inconvenient, because each session generates random URL. I need to deploy my app to the Netlify server and make it available online under fixed URL

26.1 yarn build

First action I must take to prepare my app for deployment is to use yarn build command which generates minified production build. It works like this:

  1. After yarn build command is used, a new build directory is created in my repo:

tree -L 1
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  1. To check what it contains, I can use this chain of three commands:

cd build && tree && cd ..
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So I have one CSS file, three JS files and all of them are linked to HTML file. Entire production build is well described in CRA documentation.

26.2 netlify deploy --prod

After netlify deploy --prod command is used, app is fully deployed to app.netlify.com and is available online under fixed URL.

So I go to fixed https://stoic-bartik-7b88ce.netlify.app/ URL, enter some search criteria, e.g. pizza/Berlin and submit them.

26.3 Summary, final code on GitHub

So, my DEMO is completed, available online. I didn't implement a lot of things, such as

  • data validation,
  • UTF-8 encoding,
  • notifications...

...because my main goals were:

  • resolving CORS error,
  • fetching API from Serverless Function,
  • hiding API Key.

The rest of things (query string, styling) were secondary.

Complete repo from this blog entry is uploaded on my GitHub.

Thanks for reading!