Build an idea generator from scratch, part 4: Speed up the page by caching API results [Video]
Hello again folks! This week's installment of the Idea Generator Tutorial focuses on performance and caching. We'll examine cookies and localStorage as possibilities, and how to ensure users still get fresh results periodically even with caching data. We'll also reinforce good programming practices by breaking up our functions into smaller, easier parts to manage and debug.
If you're new to this series, catch up by checking out my post on the first tutorial in this series.
- How to create localStorage data with expiration times so data stays fresh for returning users
- The difference between save and save-dev in npm packages
- How to troubleshoot common errors and importing with ES6 syntax
... and, as usual, a number of other fun tidbits that will help you work more effectively.
In this series, we’ll be working toward this idea generator as our final product.
Follow along by cloning or forking the main branch here: https://github.com/ProfessorKolodziej/idea-generator
You can also start on your own project by using my Student Site Boilerplate template: https://github.com/ProfessorKolodziej/student-site-boilerplate/
Catch the new video over here. Happy coding!
I'm always happy to connect!