Stratis Blockchain Community Springs up on Global Dev Forum

Two months after blockchain development platform Stratis partnered with C# Corner, it has been given its very own category on the influential site.

C# Corner, which serves a thriving global community of almost five million monthly users, has responded to growing interest in Stratis by creating a landing page dedicated to articles about the platform. Here, C# Corner’s army of software developers and programmers can read about the latest goings-on in the burgeoning Stratis ecosystem.

Stratis Expands C# Developer Reach

Over half a dozen Stratis-focused articles have been published since the companies announced their partnership in April. The latest is an in-depth guide to writing and deploying a smart contract over the Stratis blockchain. Interestingly the guide was penned by Mahesh Chand, who founded C# Corner way back in 1999.

The community-led portal functions as a one-stop shop for developers throughout the world, providing news, tutorials, tools, videos, webinars, and even a dev-focused jobs board. Vacancies currently on offer include a Senior Systems Engineer post at AT&T in Texas and a Senior PHP/JS Developer role at Asper Brothers in Warsaw, Poland.

By teaming up with C# Corner, Stratis aims to tap into its vast distributed network of engaged software and data developers, who have long regarded it as an invaluable resource. At present, the Philadelphia-based platform boasts over 1 million followers on Facebook, 120,000 on Twitter, and 20,000+ on LinkedIn.

An enterprise blockchain technology company, Stratis enables software devs to create distributed ledger technology-based applications using the .NET Framework and C# programming language. It also offers Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) to help clients avoid the expense and complexity of purchasing and managing their own nodes.

Building Programs and Onboarding Devs

Stratis and C# Corner appears to be a fruitful partnership: earlier this month, the blockchain platform sponsored the community’s Women in Data Summit, a day-long virtual conference created to empower and educate female developers. Together, the companies have also developed the Certified Stratis Blockchain Expert (CSBE) certification program, which is geared towards those pioneering blockchain solutions using Stratis.

This month Stratis made its Unity SDK available to gaming developers, granting access to developer tools needed to author blockchain-based games for web browsers, desktop platforms, consoles and smartphone devices. The creation of the toolkit also enables STRAX tokens to be used in game creation for the first time.

While it’s down to developers to create memorable dApps, the partnership between Stratis and C# Corner gives them the knowledge and confidence to get the job done.