Firebase For Beginner : #1 Introduction

It's Google's Firebase!

Advantages of using Firebase

Easy to use

High Security

No downtime

If you are setting up your own server then you have to take care of lot of things and one of it is server crash or down for maintenance . If you are using firebase then there is almost no downtime it is available 24x7 and one again if do it by yourself it will cost hell lot of money and time.

Detailed Documentation

The documentation of firebase is so good that you have not to go anywhere or watch any tutorial. You can read documentation and understand everything about firebase its that simple.

Cross Platform

One of the important feature of firebase is that it is cross platform means it support almost every platform and almost every language. So you don't need to learn a new language for firebase.

Features of Firebase

1.Realtime database
2.Web hosting


If you are a beginner in this field and want to experience how backend system works then firebase is a great start. Firebase is so easy you just need a google account and you are ready to go. You can launch you app within few minutes with firebase. And almost all features of firebase are free initially.