You Complete Guide To Set Object In Javascript

Hi everybody, I'm Aya Bouchiha, on this amazing day, we will talk about all Set Methods and Properities like has(), add(), size.

Definition of a Set

Set: is a collection of items and a built-in object, which stores only unique values.

Set Constructor

Iteration over a Set using For of loop

Size Property

size: is a set property that returns the length of the unique items in a specified set.

Set Methods


add(valueToAdd): is a set method that lets you add a new element to the specified Set.


delete(valueToDelete): is a set method that lets you remove an element in a specified Set.


clear(): means deleting all set elements.


has(valueToCheck): cheks if the given value exists in a set.


entries(): returns an array(iterator) [val, val] for each item in the specified Set.


values(): like keys(), It returns a new iterator object which contains the values for each element in the specified Set.


forEach(callback): this Set method invokes a callback for each element in the specified Set.


  • size:returns the length of the unique items in a specified set.
  • add(valueToAdd): lets you to add a new element to the specified Set.
  • delete(valueToDelete):lets you remove an element in a specified Set.
  • clear(): delete all Set elements.
  • has(valueToCheck): cheks if the given value exists in a set.
  • entries(): returns an array(iterator) [val, val] for each item in the specified Set.
  • values(): returns a new iterator object which contains the values for each element in the specified Set.
  • forEach(callback): invokes a callback for each element in the specified Set.


Have a great day!