Vue Academy #3: v-show VS v-if

Welcome to the new vue academy ! It will be a list of lot of article on vue! I have 2.5 years of experience in this and I can teach a few thing about this !

With vue you can use some directives, today we will check the difference between v-show & v-if !


Both directives serve to display or hide a component, depending on the condition given.

But what is the difference?

The main difference is the living behavior !


The element will be removed from the DOM, so it will have a new lifecyle hooks ! πŸ”‚

You can also use v-else-if and v-else


The element will remain in the DOM, v-show will only use the display property CSS to the element ! 🎨

So the element is not destroyed, so it will no have a new lifecyle hook !


Take this code as example πŸ‘‡


    <button @click="changeState">
        Switch state

    <child v-show="isShowed" name="v-show" />
    <child v-if="isLiving" name="v-if" />

import Vue from "vue"
import Child from "../child"

export default Vue.extend({
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            isShowed: false,
            isLiving: true,
    methods: {
        changeState() {
            this.isShowed = !this.isShowed
            this.isLiving = !this.isLiving


    Hello from {{ name }}

import Vue from "vue"

export default Vue.extend({
    props: {
        name: String,
    created() {
        console.log(`Element named ${ } is created`)
    destroyed() {
        console.log(`Element named ${ } is destroyed`)

At init we have this console log :

Element named v-show is created
Element named v-if is created

When we change the state in order to activate directive :

Element named v-if is destroyed
Element named v-if is created
Element named v-if is destroyed
Element named v-if is created

Only v-if component is reload and have a new cyclehook !

As mentioned above, we can check the display property for v-show component when component is hiding

<div style="display: none;">
    Hello from v-show


Both is used to hide component, but the difference is the way of hiding this component !


  • Element is removed from the DOM
  • Element will have a new lifecyle hook
  • Can be use with v-else-if and v-else

  • Init load component is cheap

  • Toggle element is expensive


  • Element remains in the DOM
  • Element will not have a new lifecyle hook
  • Element will have display: none when set to false

  • Init load component is expensive

  • Toggle element is very cheap

I hope you like this reading!

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