Week Wise Data Structures and Algorithms Schedule for Placements. (Part-2)

This is the part-2.
For Part-1- You can visit below.

There are Different strategies

1) Either you can Finish the entire syllabus once and then move to detailed practice questions. On Leetcode and A2OJ. Side by side sharpen your DSA skills by giving Short contests on Codeforces and Long Contests on Codechef

2) Or you can got to Codechef DSA Learning Series and my favorite A2OJ. Pick Questions topic wise and try solving. You will come across new concepts at every new question and then you can learn them as well.

Week wise Study Plan

Week 1
Basic Maths + Practise Questions
Array Introduction and Operations
STL (very very imp)

Week 2
Array Practise Questions
Sorting Algorithms + Practise Questions

Week 3
Matrix/Strings + Practise Questions
Basic Bit Manipulation + Practise Questions

Week 4
Hashing + Practise Questions
Linked List Introduction and Operations

Week 5
Linked List Practise Questions
Stack Introduction and Operations

Week 6
Stack Practise Questions

Week 7
Queue Introduction and Operations
Queue Practise Questions

Week 8
Tree Introduction and Operations
Tree Practise Questions

Week 9-10
Heap/Graph Introduction and Operations
Heap/Graph Practise Questions

Week 11
Recursion + Practice Question

Week 12-14
Greedy Algorithm Introduction and Implementation
Greedy Algorithm Practise Questions

Week 15-17
BackTracking/Dynamic Programming Introduction and Implementation, BackTracking/Dynamic Programming Practise Questions

For Programing Practice Question -Love Babbar's DSA 450 questions are sufficient. Do 3-4 Easy Questions and 1 Tough Question (At bare minimum) per day from each Topic

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