Online Storage with Flask!
Well here we are! Online storage with our lovely flask!
So this project was all about serving file with flask and learn how to do some http request stuff!
- Flask
- Python 3.7
So first we are going to spawn flask application and import some stuff!
from random import sample
from string import ascii_letters,digits
from base64 import b64decode
from json import load,dump
import flask
app = flask.Flask("Really Awesome Storage API!")
And next we some cool logger for tracking users posting and get some files!
def write(ip:str,file:str):
with open("list.json","r") as i:
ips = load(i)
if ip not in list(ips):
ips[ip] = []
with open("list.json","w") as i:
return True
So this function is take two args is Ip address of user and file!
Now let's write a url that gonna let us upload stuff!
def save():
image = b64decode(flask.request.data)
string = ''.join(sample(ascii_letters+digits,10)) + flask.request.headers.get("extension")
a = open("stuff/" + string,"wb")
write(flask.request.remote_addr,f"POST {string}")
return string ,202
Now this function will work if you go to save
uri so this will take file that was base 64 encoded in body of response and it gonna create a file and write a bytes after that we close the file and log the file after that we will return random string with extension of the file that storage in our server!
Now let's write a uri path that gonna send file back!
def get(pic):
a = flask.send_file("stuff/" + pic,as_attachment=True if flask.request.args.get("preview") is not None or flask.request.args.get("preview") == "false" else False)
write(flask.request.remote_addr,f"GET {pic} FILE ")
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
return a
This function is somehow longer than what you may expected to but we have try that flask gonna send file back to user because flask will throw error if file not exist and we do a logger and if flask raise error we will throw error back to page if else then return file!
def get(pic):
a = flask.send_from_directory("stuff",pic)
write(flask.request.remote_addr,f"GET {pic} FILE ")
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
return a
I USE THIS CAUSE IT HAVE as_attachment
It's that easy! Now let's write client side script!
Everyone can do so I will give you this snippet
from requests import post
from base64 import b64encode
from PIL import ImageGrab
from sys import exit
from os import remove
from os.path import splitext
while True:
choices = input("Screenshot (s) or File (f) or Clipboard Text(ct) or Text (t) or Quit (q)\n")
if "s" in a or "S" in choices:
screen = ImageGrab.grabclipboard()
print("Your screenshot is at https://content.biomooping.tk/" + post("yourlink/save",data=b64encode(open("pic.jpg","rb").read()),headers={"extension":splitext("./pic.jpg")[1]}).text)
elif "f" in a or "F" in choices:
path = input("Your file path\n")
print("Your file is at is at https://content.biomooping.tk/" + post("yourlink/save",data=b64encode(open(path,"rb").read()),headers={"extension":splitext(path)[1]}).text)
elif choices.startswith("ct") or choices.startswith("CT"):
from clipboard import paste
print("Your file is at is at https://content.biomooping.tk/" + post("yourlink/save",data=b64encode(paste()),headers={"extension":"txt"}).text)
elif choices.startswith("T") or choices.startswith("t"):
print("Your file is at is at https://content.biomooping.tk/" + post("yourlink/save",data=b64encode(bytes(input("Text\n\a"),encoding="utf-8")),headers={"extension":"txt"}).text)
elif "q" in a or "Q" in choices:
exit("See you next time!")
This have feature is
- Get Screenshot from clipboard
- File uploading
- Clipboard text (On windows work but other os? i don't know.....)
- Text
Q: Why base64 encoding?
A: It is easiest thing that I know
Q: What inspire you to make this?
A:I always forget what my homework is so I want memo and I want to playaround with flask also I want online storage hosted on internet.
Github Repository!