I created Pycowin: An app which alerts you when vaccine slots are available in your area
Indian Government is providing free vaccines to all of its citizens. India is very densely populated and its very hard to vaccinate everyone at once. Therefore, Indian government created Cowin portal through which you can book a slot for your vaccination. But due to the high demand its very tough to book a slot because the slots are updated throughout the day and are booked within seconds.
I too had to book a vaccination appointment for myself and had to check the website every now and then. I got tired of doing this, then I decided to create Pycowin.
Pycowin searches for slots every ten minutes and alerts you whenever vaccination slots are available at the selected location. It sends a desktop notification as well as plays an audio track "Vaccines found" on successful searches.
The app is written using Cowin apis, Python and Qt libraries and is completely opensource. You can either download the binary executable or just run it from source. The app is packaged for Linux and Windows with all of its dependencies included.
Github : Pycowin
Download the respective zip file from releases.Extract and directly run from there.
cd <extracted_folder_name>
pip install pyqt5 requests win10toast playsound
spd-say : it is usually found in all distros by default. If not found install from your package manager
pip3 install requests PyQt5
git clone https://github.com/drunckj/Pycowin.git
cd Pycowin/src/<windows or linux>
python3 pycowin.py
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