🚀10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 12th November 2021

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1. Hydrogen

React-based framework for building dynamic, Shopify-powered custom storefronts.

GitHub logo Shopify / hydrogen

React-based framework for building dynamic, Shopify-powered custom storefronts.

📚 Docs | 🗣 Discord | 💬 Discussions | 📝 Changelog

Hydrogen is a React-based framework for building dynamic, Shopify-powered custom storefronts.

Spin up a Hydrogen app in your browser with our playground or set up your local environment with the instructions below ⬇️

This is a developer preview of Hydrogen. The documentation will be updated as Shopify introduces new features and refines existing functionality. Production launches of Hydrogen custom storefronts aren't yet supported as Shopify is evolving the Hydrogen framework.

Getting Started


  • yarn or npm
  • Node.js version 14.0 or higher


# Using `yarn`
yarn create hydrogen-app
# Using `npm`
npm init hydrogen-app@latest

# Using `npx`
npx create-hydrogen-app
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Running locally:

  1. Start a development server
# Using `yarn`
yarn install
yarn dev

# Using `npm`
npm i --legacy-peer-deps
npm run dev
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  1. Visit the development environment running at http://localhost:3000.

Learn more about getting started with Hydrogen.

2. quicktype

quicktype generates strongly-typed models and serializers from JSON, JSON Schema, TypeScript, and GraphQL queries, making it a breeze to work with JSON type-safely in many programming languages.

GitHub logo quicktype / quicktype

Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL

npm version Build status Join us in Slack

quicktype generates strongly-typed models and serializers from JSON, JSON Schema, TypeScript, and GraphQL queries, making it a breeze to work with JSON type-safely in many programming languages.

Supported Inputs

TypeScript GraphQL queries

Target Languages

Missing your favorite language? Please implement it!


There are many ways to use quicktype. app.quicktype.io is the most powerful and complete UI. The web app also works offline and doesn't send your sample data over the Internet, so paste away!

For the best CLI, we recommend installing quicktype globally via npm:

npm install -g quicktype
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Other options:

3. it

A collection of utilities for making working with iterables more bearable

GitHub logo achingbrain / it

A collection of utilities for making working with iterables more bearable


Utility modules to make dealing with async iterators easier, some trivial, some not.

  • blob-to-it Turn a Blob into an iterable
  • browser-readablestream-to-it Turn a browser ReadableStream into an iterable
  • it-all Collect the contents of an iterable into an array
  • it-batch Batch up the contents of an iterable into arrays
  • it-buffer-stream Creates an iterable of buffers
  • it-drain Consume an iterable and ignore any output
  • it-filter Skip some items in an iterable based on a filter function
  • it-first Return the first item in an iterable
  • it-flat-batch Take an iterable of variable length arrays and make them all the same length
  • it-glob Glob matcher for file systems
  • it-last Return the last item in an iterable
  • it-length Consume an iterable and return its length
  • it-map Map the output of an iterable
  • it-merge Treat multiple iterables as one
  • it-multipart Parse multipart message bodies as an iterable
  • it-parallel Take an iterable of functions that return promises…

4. Dripsy

Responsive, unstyled UI primitives for React Native + Web.

GitHub logo nandorojo / dripsy

🍷 Responsive, unstyled UI primitives for React Native + Web.


Unstyled, responsive UI primitives for React Native + Web.

<View sx={{ bg: '$primary', height: [100, 200] }} />
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Documentation & Installation


  • Custom fonts, edited globally
  • Full TypeScript support
  • Responsive styles
  • Universal (Android, iOS, Web, & more)
  • Works with Expo
  • Works with Vanilla React Native
  • Works with Next.js
  • Full theme support
  • Custom theme variants
  • Insanely simple API (themed, responsive designs in one line!)
  • Works with Animated/Reanimated/Moti
  • Dark mode / custom color modes
  • Memoized styles, even when written inline
  • Atomic CSS classes, with StyleSheet.create under the hood
  • Use with @expo/vector-icons (example)
  • Linear Gradient
  • Performant: sx prop is memoized under the hood (even if you write it in render)

Next.js Conf

Fernando Rojo at Next.js Conf

I spoke at at Next.js Conf 2021 on October 26 about React Native + Next.js. Watch the video to see how we do it.

5. Spark Joy

Design tools and tips for developers in a hurry. Easy ways to add design flair, user delight, and whimsy to your product.

GitHub logo sw-yx / spark-joy

✨😂easy ways to add design flair, user delight, and whimsy to your product.

6. GitHub Readme Stats

Dynamically generated stats for your GitHub readmes

GitHub logo anuraghazra / github-readme-stats

⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes

GitHub Readme Stats

GitHub Readme Stats

Get dynamically generated GitHub stats on your readmes!

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Love the project? Please consider donating to help it improve!

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Your small help goes a long way. ❤️


GitHub Stats

7. 30 Days Of JavaScript

30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace.

GitHub logo Asabeneh / 30-Days-Of-JavaScript

30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace.

8. mercurius

Implement GraphQL servers and gateways with Fastify

GitHub logo mercurius-js / mercurius

Implement GraphQL servers and gateways with Fastify


CI workflow

Mercurius is a GraphQL adapter for Fastify


  • Caching of query parsing and validation.
  • Automatic loader integration to avoid 1 + N queries.
  • Just-In-Time compiler via graphql-jit.
  • Subscriptions.
  • Federation support.
  • Federated subscriptions support.
  • Gateway implementation, including Subscriptions.
  • Batched query support.
  • Customisable persisted queries.



npm i fastify mercurius graphql
# or
yarn add fastify mercurius graphql
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The previous name of this module was fastify-gql (< 6.0.0).

Quick Start

'use strict'
const Fastify = require('fastify')
const mercurius = require('mercurius')

const app = Fastify()

const schema = `
  type Query {
    add(x: Int, y: Int): Int

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    add: async (_, { x, y }
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9. OpenUI5

OpenUI5 lets you build enterprise-ready web applications, responsive to all devices, running on almost any browser of your choice.

GitHub logo SAP / openui5

OpenUI5 lets you build enterprise-ready web applications, responsive to all devices, running on almost any browser of your choice.


OpenUI5. Build Once. Run on any device.

REUSE status

What is it?

OpenUI5 lets you build enterprise-ready web applications, responsive to all devices, running on almost any browser of your choice. It's based on JavaScript and follows web standards It eases your development with a client-side HTML5 rendering library including a rich set of controls and supports data binding to different data models (JSON, XML and OData).

And... it's free and open source: OpenUI5 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt It also contains third-party open source modules. See the list and respective licenses in THIRDPARTY.txt Third-party module license information is also available in machine-readable format in the .reuse/dep5 file.

Try it!

Check out our control playground as well as a number of sample applications.

Get it!

Go to the download page and get the complete UI5 runtime and the UI5 SDK containing the documentation…

10. Clarity

A behavioral analytics library that uses dom mutations and user interactions to generate aggregated insights.

GitHub logo microsoft / clarity

A behavioral analytics library that uses dom mutations and user interactions to generate aggregated insights.


Clarity is an open-source behavioral analytics library written in typescript, with two key goals: privacy & performance.

It helps you understand how users view and use your website across all modern devices and browsers. Understanding how users navigate, interact and browse your website can provide new insights about your users. Empathizing with your users and seeing where features fail or succeed can help improve your product, grow revenue and improve user retention.

It's the same code that powers Microsoft's hosted behavioral analytics solution: https://clarity.microsoft.com. If you would like to see a demo of how it works, checkout live demo.

We encourage the community to join us in building the best behavioral analytics library, that puts privacy first and prioritizes performance.

Project Structure

  1. clarity-js: Instrumentation code that goes on the website and tracks user interactions as well as layout changes.

  2. clarity-decode: Code, which usually runs on…

Stargazing 📈

  1. JavaScript Algorithms +4,252 stars
  2. Public APIs +3,244 stars
  3. Awesome +3,037 stars
  4. Machine Learning for beginner +2,524 stars
  5. Uptime Kuma +2,394 stars
  1. LittleJS +145%
  2. ct +132%
  3. Agrippa +113%
  4. Web APIs Playground +113%
  5. EBS Design +97%

For all for the latest rankings please checkout Stargazing.dev

Trending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at Stargazing.dev to ensure you never miss an issue.

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