Extend SvgIcon sizes in React Material UI
Using React Material UI you have the opportunity to use any SVG file like an icon. To do so, you just wrap it into the SvgIcon
An example for your HomeIcon
component might look like this:
import React from 'react';
import { SvgIcon, SvgIconProps } from '@mui/material';
import { ReactComponent as HomeSvg } from '../../assets/Icons/Home.svg';
function HomeIcon(props: SvgIconProps) {
return (
<SvgIcon component={HomeSvg} viewBox="0 0 24 24" {...props} />
export default HomeIcon;
Importing svg files as react components required svgr, otherwise you would need to use the SVG code as children of SvgIcon
With SvgIcon
you have the possibility to set the fontSize
attribute to "small", "inherit", "large" or "medium", but what if we if we would need more of this?
<HomeIcon fontSize="small" />
<HomeIcon />
<HomeIcon fontSize="large" />
<HomeIcon sx={{ fontSize: 40 }} />
Here is where component variants come into play.
In our theme we just add a new variant to the MuiSvgIcon component. E.g. we we want an new size called huge we do it like this:
components: {
MuiSvgIcon: {
variants: [
props: { fontSize: 'huge' },
style: {
fontSize: '5rem',
That should already work, but when we are using typescript and setting it, the compiler will complain.
<HomeIcon fontSize="huge" />
So we need to extend the interface for the component too:
declare module '@mui/material/SvgIcon' {
interface SvgIconPropsSizeOverrides {
huge: true;
Just add the above module declaration e.g. to your theme.ts
and that's it.