Custom Cursors in React

One thing I've seen across many designer/design studio websites are a cool custom cursor in place of your default computer one. Recently, I added one to my website aswell.

I had to write one from scratch (using some internet resources of course!), since all the NPM libraries I found were either outdated, or didn't support SSR.

After adding the cursor to my own website, I had an idea to create an NPM package for it for a while. This weekend, I had some freetime from school & got to work!

This library supports TypeScript, along with server-side rendering (Next.js & Remix)

Want a demo? I setup a quick demo website to help you tweak & experiment around with values!

🚀 Setup

To download the library, head over to your terminal:

yarn add custom-pointer-react

Next, import the cursor component into your file & customise it! Don't forget to wrap your app in the context afterwards.

import { Cursor } from 'custom-pointer-react'
const Cursor = () => {
  return (
    <Cursor {...passParametersToCustomise} />
export default App

All parameters are optional, & here's a list of the different parameters which you can customise:

Parameter Description Default
color The background colour of the cursor #000000
showRing Controls whether to show the ring around the cursor true
ringSize Controls the size of the ring around the cursor 50px
cursorSize Controls the size of the cursor 10px
ringBorder Controls the width of the ring's border 2px

Need help finding the right parameters? Check out the demo website!

Now, go into your app & import the MouseContext provider.

import { MouseContextProvider } from 'custom-pointer-react'
    <App />

Your custom cursor should be good to go!