Advantages Of Selecting AngularJS In Web Application Development

AngularJS is an open-source framework by Google that helps developers write and test the code. It is a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture that combines HTML codes with application modules. It is beneficial in building rich web applications.

The advantages of AngularJS in web app development are as follows. 

  • AngularJS offers a simple architecture

It is one of the simplest platforms that offer simple design architectures. It comprises several components and requirements that are suitable for managing heavy applications. 

  • AngularJS offers a declarative user interface

On this platform, HTML defines app UI. It makes the development process much simpler. HTML code strengthens an interface developing in JS. 

  • AngularJS offers an improved design architecture

Some applications have more than 60 components. With the help of this platform, even a newly joined developer can work on such heavy apps without any trouble. 

  • Provides a lesser timeline

It offers a lesser timeline which reduces the application coding time. You can build a simple app rapidly by adding a few attributes to the HTML code. 

  • Enhances server performance

It enhances server performance by bringing down the burden from server CPUs. It only delivers static files and responds to API calls, thus reducing the overall traffic. 

  • Can reuse codes on this platform

You can reuse the code that a developer has written previously any number of times. Imagine the time, this feature saves and makes the web app development process quicker. 

Some more advantages of AngularJS are two-way data binding, convenient testing, parallel development, and an MVC software design platform.