Please forget the colon of python

Colon is an important character in Python. You should end some statements with colon.

Any modern IDE code editor adds that colon automatically. I had used old IDE Geany. That feature is not available in that IDE.

Python is a beginner friendly programming language thanks to the syntax sugar of python. But this colon can confuce very beginners.

Some people says that colon improves the readability. But I don't know. It looks same for me without the colon.

With colon

if 'Unv is awesome!':
    print('Hello World!')
# keep editing for live results

Without colon

if 'Unv is awesome!'
    print('Hello World!')
# keep editing for live results

So I thought to create my own programming language. It is named Unv. You can play with the playground or read the docs to understand it.

Please give me a 🌟 on github you love this project.

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Syntax for Unv Programming Language


Syntax for Unv Programming Language

A programming language is a formal language comprising a set of strings that produce various kinds of machine code output. Programming languages are one kind of computer language, and are used in computer programming to implement algorithms. from Wikipedia

A programming language = a syntax Kavindu Santhusa(creator of Unv)

So I had defined the syntax. means I had created a programming language.

But without an implementation people can't use it. I had created my implementation with JavaScript, the most universal programming language. You can try it here on the playground.

if  5  >  2
    print("Five is greater than two!")  
if  5  >  2
    print("Five is greater than two!")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Also I need your help to build this language. Please convert your thoughts to comments.

Follow me for more article about this language.

Thanks for reading πŸ’ž