πŸ”₯ Trending News, Repos and Products of the day - Digest #93

Level up your πŸš€ skills with these Github repositories:

πŸ“™ flutter

πŸ‘€ flutter | ⭐ +133,125 stars Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond

πŸ‘€ tailwindlabs | ⭐ +1,297 stars

πŸ‘€ pointfreeco | ⭐ +4,983 stars A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.

πŸŽ‰ πŸ”₯ Hottest Devto posts :

πŸ‘€ Matteo Bruni | πŸ‘ +31 reactions Christmas is coming πŸŽ… and why don't add a snow effect in your website? Here's a simple guide to add...

πŸ‘€ Srushtika Neelakantam | πŸ‘ +28 reactions Great user experience on the web comes from being able to provide users with exactly what they want...

πŸ‘€ AzisK | πŸ‘ +23 reactions How we build an open source app for animal shelters and utilise GitHub Actions

πŸ‘€ Keep an eye on these cool products too:

πŸ”Ί +34 | πŸ’¬ +3 De-stress & feel productive by writing everyday. 1 Minute Writing Challenge

πŸ”§ Novi from Meta

πŸ”Ί +25 | πŸ’¬ +1 Digital wallet to move money instantly with no fees Novi from Meta

πŸ”§ What's next

πŸ”Ί +16 | πŸ’¬ +1 Join meetings in a click What's next

πŸ™Œ Wrap Up! That was all for this week.

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