Getting started with Dyte - 1: Setting up Dyte

Building audio, video apps with ease

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What is Dyte?

Dyte is a SDK which provides the easiest way to add real-time communications using audio and video to your apps and platforms.


Real-time, fast communications

Dyte is blazingly fast.

Video capabilities to your mobile apps

Dyte enables you to build Video calling capabilities for mobile

Video capabilities to your web apps

Dyte Enables you to build Video calling capabilities for Web

Audio apps

Dyte offers audio capabilities too.

Web and mobile applications

Dyte can power both mobile and web applications

How dyte works?

Dyte is based largely on the WebRTC protocol, and the features and optimisations we build on top of it.

Although the protocol is supposed to be peer-to-peer, it is not easy to build it reliably.

Anyone who has tried implementing it by themselves would know that the implementions get real messy, real fast.

To have a real working solution, servers with SFU, STUN, TURN, etc capabilities.

This is required to optimize for user bandwidth.

Also to optimize for performance.


Here is the architecture of Dyte, and all the step that goes behind the scenes in setting up a meeting.

Using JS SDK


Here are the steps to initialise the Dyte JS SDK

  • Get meeting room name from the backend API
  • Get participant token form the backend API
  • Pass them as props to Dyte's React Component to initialize

Using JS React SDK

You can initialize a meeting in your React app, using this component, like below.

import { DyteMeeting } from "dyte-client";

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        onInit={(meeting) => {}}
        clientId={`orgId || clientId`}
          roomName: `roomName`,
          authToken: `authToken`,

export default App;

Hope this Incredible post conveys what is Dyte, its features and how to integrate it into your applications.
To learn more about Dyte join their community using this link.