📺 ML YouTube Courses
Course List:
- Stanford CS229: Machine Learning
- Applied Machine Learning
- Machine Learning with Graphs (Stanford)
- Probabilistic Machine Learning
- Introduction to Deep Learning (MIT)
- Deep Learning: CS 182
- Deep Unsupervised Learning
- NYU Deep Learning SP21
- CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- CMU Neural Networks for NLP
- CMU Advanced NLP
- Multilingual NLP
- Advanced NLP
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Full Stack Deep Learning
- AMMI Geometric Deep Learning Course (2021)
Stanford CS229: Machine Learning
To learn some of the basics of ML:
- Linear Regression and Gradient Descent
- Logistic Regression
- Naive Bayes
- SVMs
- Kernels
- Decision Trees
- Introduction to Neural Networks
- Debugging ML Models ...
Applied Machine Learning
To learn some of the most widely used techniques in ML:
- Optimization…