IvyFinal CTF (Crypto 1) - Warmup 50 points
You can get the file here.
It's important to warmup before physical activity.
Free hint, don't get used to it: XOR cipher was used for this flag's encryption with a single byte key.
So we practically need to find the key that was xored. Since its just 1 byte, its easy to bruteforce.
And the flag is always in the format if ivyctf{...}
So lets find the key that simply xors to match the first letter i
In [19]: def get_key(contents):
...: for i in range(256):
...: if ord(contents[0]) ^ i == ord('i'):
...: return i
Above is just a function that gets the content of the file and goes through the value of a byte, 0 to 255.
For each of the value, we xor it with the first letter and see if it hits the letter i
Once we get the key, we simply xor it with the rest of the file.
In [21]: def crack_flag(contents, key):
...: flag = []
...: for ch in contents:
...: flag.append(chr(ord(ch) ^ key))
...: print(''.join(flag))
Once we get our functions right, lets run them.
In [23]: contents = open('flag.enc', 'r').read()
In [24]: crack_flag(contents, get_key(contents))