JVM Testing Newsletter | June 2021

What's new in JVM testing? Check June 2021 issue.

Articles & blogposts

Learning shared and state flows with tests

State and shared Flows are hot streams that can propagate items to multiple consumers. State Flows have features such as sharing strategies and conflation. Whereas, shared flows allow you to replay and buffer emissions. In this article, we will explore features of shared and state flows with unit testing.

Building assertions with Strikt

Strikt is assertion library built for Kotlin with API which allows building multi assertions and gives us readable assertion errors. Check configuration and usage tips.

How to retry fails automation tests

Fighting flaky integration tests? With this article you will learn how to configure test frameworks with retry strategies

Gradle and Maven Plugins for Native Image with Initial JUnit 5 Testing Support

GraalVM team managed to develop out-of-the-box support for native JUnit5 testing in GraalVM. Now Junit5 should behave the same as with the JVM.

Libraries & releases

Originally published at KotlinTesting.com