Learn Command Line
Setting Up and Configuring WSL
base64 encode/decode multiple files
BASH script to scrap the meaning of a word from dictionary.com.
The Ultimate Guide To Neovim and Tmux in 2021 for fullstack engineers
How to: Creating Bash Aliases
Basic Bash Automation: A script to organize my downloads folder
Git Config and Git Aliases
Cryptocurrency Price Scrapping using BASH and Coingecko API
Learn Bash by making a game
Enjoy the classic Snake arcade game in your terminal
An alias to learn aliases
How to run copied CLI commands with a leading "$" sign
Install Ubuntu on Ms Windows 10 + Bash Terminal Commands
How to run nested tmux session
Migrate all of your repos from Github to Gitea
Using Starship to Track Current NPM Registry
Setting up Vim for Bash Scripting
.sh: The poor man's Infrastructure-as-Code
Deploy and stop scripts