Types of Graph

Hello, today, I'm gonna discuss the famous types of graphs, before reading this post, I suggest you check this post (introduction to graph in data structure) firstly.

Types of Graph

  • Directed Graph : (also called directed network or digraph) in this type, every edge is directed from one node to another.
  • Undirected Graph: all the edges can be traversed from both directions.
  • Weighted Graph: in this one, all edges have a weight which is a numerical value
  • Unweighted Graph: the opposite of weighted graph, each edge has not a weight

  • Connected Graph: a connected graph is a graph that has a path between every pair of nodes.

  • Disconnected Graph: a graph is called disconnect if there is at least two nodes of the graph are not connected by a path.
  • Simple Graph: a graph is simple if it has no loops and no multiple edges.

Reference and useful resources

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Have a great day :)