python challenge_6

Adding and removing dots

level of challenge = 3/10

  • Write a function named add_dots that takes a string and adds "." in between each letter.
  • For example
  • calling add_dots("test") should return the string "t.e.s.t".

  • Then, below the add_dots function,

  • write another function named remove_dots that removes all dots from a string.

  • For example

  • calling remove_dots("t.e.s.t") should return "test".

  • If both functions are correct,

  • calling remove_dots(add_dots(string)) should return back the original string for any string.


  • For add_dots you may find the string join method useful.
  • If you don't want to use it,
  • You can instead iterate over each letter in,
  • The input while building up a result string that is initially empty.

  • The remove_dots function is similar.

  • Either use the string replace method or manually loop over the letters,

  • keeping ones that aren't ".".

My solution

def add_dots(string):
    new_string = ".".join(string)
    return new_string

def remove_dots(string):
    new_string = string
    result = new_string.replace(".", "")
    return result


Another solution

the longer way

def add_dots(s):
    out = ""
    for letter in s:
        out += letter + "."
    return out[:-1] # -> do not show the lest dot 

def remove_dots(s):
    out = ""
    for letter in s:
        if letter != ".":
            out += letter
    return out

the short way

def add_dots(s):
    return ".".join(s)

def remove_dots(s):
    return s.replace(".", "")

Add your solution in the comment :)