UnFamiliar Awesome Freebies for Developers 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻

HELLO👋🏻, MATES. I hope you all are doing great!!!👍🏻😊

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I am glad to bring you some of the useful websites in this blog. I hope you will enjoy reading this article. So, this blog will not be a technical thing; instead, it helps you make those technical things much more accessible.

🔗Curated List of Websites🌐📃

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  1. HTML5UP - Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 site templates.
  1. Bootswatch - Free themes for Bootstrap.
  1. WebDesigner - Create Interactive Motion Graphics
  1. WebsitePlanet - Bunch of site developments tools at place
  1. Rentry - HTML5 Templates & Themes
  1. SSLfor Free or ZeroSSL - Free SSL Certificates

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  1. List.Community - Programming / Development GitHub Lists
  1. Free-for-Devs - Developer Tools
  1. LawsOfUX - Maxims / Principles for UI Designers
  1. Console - Subscribe to a List of Open Source Projects
  1. PlaceTo PostYourStartup - Sites to Post Your Startup
  1. CertBot - Enable HTTPS Automatically

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  1. WebDevHome - Programming / Developer Tools
  1. TinyTools - List of small, free, or experimental tools that might be useful in building your game/website / interactive project.
  1. Awesome Programming - Programming Resources
  1. Awesome Creative Coding - Creative Coding Resource Index
  1. WebDen - Code Playground



  1. Awesome Machine Learning Art - Machine Learning Art Resource Index

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  1. HTTPie - Command-Line HTTP Client
  1. cURL - Transfer Data with URLs
  1. WINIX - UNIX-like Windows Development Environment
  1. Sift - grep Alternative
  1. Cheat.sh - Command-Line Cheat Sheet
  1. ExplainShell - Match Command-Line Arguments to Help Text

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  1. Free Programming Sites - Best collection of free books
  1. Free Python Books - Python Books Repo
  1. VSCode.one - Ultimate VS Code Tutorials
  1. DevHints or QuickRef - Developer Cheat Sheets
  1. Learn Git Banching - Interactive Git Branching Guide
  1. LandChad - Guide to Starting Your Own Website

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  1. GoormIDE - Cloud IDE / Extensions / Themes
  1. Glot - Pastebin with Runnable Snippets, API & Compiler
  1. Drafts - Mac Text Editor
  1. StackBlitz - Cloud IDE / VSCode
  1. GitPod - Cloud IDE / VSCode
  1. WandBox - Online Compiler


Before we end...🔚

Thanks for your Patience🙏🏻. I just mentioned only six websites for the six categories above.

😂Fun fact: Spent years to find these resources (PS: For my self utilization)

🧐My Motive: I don't want people to stress themselves for finding these resources like me, and I am happy to share all of my resources to be a support for them.

Suppose you find this purposive; comment below. Your Feedbacks are most welcome. LET ME KNOW WHETHER YOU NEED THESE TYPES OF RESOURCES SPECIFICALLY FOR A CATEGORY. IF SO, MENTION THE CATEGORY NAME. It'll help me to do my next post.
Have a wonderful day.😀🎆

Quote to Question❓

"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought".

                                                                                                                  by @vidhyavarshany