Remove Character From String Python

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We can remove a character from String in Python using replace() and translate() methods. In this tutorial, let’s look at How to remove a character from a string in Python with examples.

Python Remove a Character from a String

There are many scenarios where we need to replace all occurrences of a character from a string or remove a specific character from a string. The two recommended approaches are :

  • Using the replace() method
  • Using the transform() method

Python Remove Character from String using replace()

The replace() method replaces the character with a new character. We can use the replace() method to remove a character from a string by passing an empty string as an argument to the replace() method.

**Note:**  In Python, strings are immutable, and the **`replace()`** function will return a new string, and the original string will be left unmodified.

Remove a single character from a string

If you want to remove the first occurrence of a character from a string, then you can use pass a count argument as 1 to the replace method, as shown below.

# Python program to remove single occurrences of a character from a string
text= 'ItsMyCoode'



**Note:** The count argument in **`replace()`** method indicates the number of times the replacement should be performed in a string.

Remove all occurrences of a character from a string

If you want to remove all the occurrences of a character from a string, then you can exclude the count argument as shown below.

# Python program to remove all occurrences of a character from a string
text= 'Welcome, to, Python, World'


Welcome to Python World

Python Remove Character from String using translate()

The other alternative is to use the*translate()* method. The translate() method accepts one argument, which is a translation table or Unicode code point of a character that you need to replace.

We can get the Unicode code point of any character using theord() method.

You need to map ‘None‘ as a replacement character which in turn removes a specified character from a string as shown below.

# Python program to remove a character from a string using translate() method
text= '_User_'



Python remove last character from string

If you want to remove the last character from a string in Python, you can use slice notation [:-1]. The slice notation selects the character at the index position -1 (the last character in a string). Then it returns every character except the last one.

# Python program to remove last character from a string using slice notation

text= 'Hello World!'


Hello World

Python remove spaces from string

# Python program to remove white spaces from a string
text= 'A B C D E F G H'

# Using replace method
print(text.replace(' ',''))

# Using translate method
print(text.translate({ord(' '):None}))



Python remove punctuation from a string

# Python program to remove punctuation from a string

import string
text= 'Hello, W_orl$d#!'

# Using translate method
print(text.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))


Hello World