Kotlin SpringBoot JQuery Ajax POST/GET requests

Kotlin SpringBoot JQuery Ajax POST/GET requests

In the tutorial, JavaSampleApproach will show you how to send/retrieve data objects by Kotlin SpringBoot JQuery Ajax POST/GET application.

Related posts:

I. Technologies

– Java 1.8
– Maven 3.3.9
– Spring Tool Suite – Version 3.8.1.RELEASE
– Spring Boot: 1.5.6.RELEASE
– JQuery
– BootStrap
– Kotlin language

II. Pratice

In the tutorial, we create a Kotlin SpringBoot project as below:

Step to do:

  • Create Kotlin SpringBoot project
  • Create data models
  • Implement controllers
  • Create index.html view
  • Implement Jquery Ajax GET/POST requests
  • Run and check results

    1. Create Kotlin SpringBoot project

    – Open Spring Tool Suite, on main menu, choose File->New->Spring Starter Project, add project info,

Then press Next for needed dependencies:
-> For Template Engines, choose Thymeleaf
-> For Web MVC, choose Web->Web

Open pom.xml file and check needed dependencies:

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Kotlin SpringBoot JQuery Ajax POST/GET requests