Deploy Static sites using GH-pages

## GH pages to host static sites💻.
Today, I will be showing you how to host your front-end application or static websites using GitHub pages readily available on your GitHub account. Yeah, I know there are tonnes of platforms offering free hosting like Vercel, Netlify, and the likes. Adding gh-pages to your hosting arsenal won't be a bad idea.


🔗 NodeJS (Installed on your PC)
🔗 GitHub account
🔗 IDE (Visual Studio Code)

👨🏽‍🏫Follow the package installation instructions below

  1. Run npm init -y to initiate your package.json file. This builds a package.json file.
    carbon (19)

  2. npm install gh-pages to install GH pages
    carbon (20)

Create a 'dist' folder 📒 and create all files you want to deploy inside like index.html, styles.css, main.js, and so on.
dist folder

For demonstration, I will write Hello World! in my HTML biolerplate.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>GitHub pages</title>
    <h1>Hello World!</h1>

Next, we need to edit out package.json file.
Inside your package.json add a key-value pair as below.
carbon (25)

↪️ drsimplegraffiti is my GitHub account username, you need to change yours to your GitHub username.
↪️ ghtuts is the name of my repository that I want to deploy to GitHub. Change it to whatever you want to call yours
↪️ "Deploy": "gh-pages -d dist is the script that enables us to deploy the gh-pages repository. (Highlighted in green)

Next is to create a repository on GitHub
Before we create a repo, we need to create a .gitignore file to prevent our node_modules folders that housed our dependencies from being pushed to our repo. We do this important step because node_module files are super large 🤦🏾‍♂️

📌 We create a repository on GitHub
new repo

📌 Run the following git commands. You know the drill 😁

‌🎯 git init (initial a git repo by creating a .git hidden file)
🎯 git add. (adds files to the staging area)
🎯 git commit -m "initial commit" 
🎯 git remote add origin <URL of repo created on GitHub>

In my case: git remote add origin

🎯 git push -u origin master

Go back to Github and refresh you should have something like this.

📌 Now to deploy to the gh-pages run this on your terminal.
carbon (26)

If successful you will see a published message

Go back to your repo on GitHub and reload 🌐.
Check the branches and find the gh-pages that housed the static files we dumped in the dist folder earlier.
gh page branch

Go to settings and scroll down to the GitHub pages section
click 1
Click on the above link and you will be redirected to the new page dedicated to gh-page.
click 2

Click on the URL link and boom! you see your website.
hello world

GH-pages can also be used to deploy React ⚛️ apps. I will write a post on it soon.🕒

I hope this post is helpful. Thanks for reading