Npm libraries you need to know for your Node JS App
NPM Libraries you need to know for Node Js
📌 Bull
The fastest & most reliable redis based queue for node
📌 Bull Board
This is built in top of bull which helps to visualise the queue & their jobs
📌 Lodash
One of the best utility library for javascript
📌 Jest
Complete and ready to set-up JavaScript testing solution. A great one if you are following Test driven development
📌 Express winston
express-winston provides middlewares for request and error logging of your express app and also provides variety of options as well
📌 User Agent
Helps to determine the device information
📌 Ip address
Helps to deal with Ipv4 & Ipv6 addresses in Javascript
📌 Uuid
Helps in generation of unique identifier to be added in your application
📌 Joi
Most famous & powerful data validation & schema description language in Javascript
📌 Winston daily rotate file
It is a transport of winston that logs information to a rotating file. Logs can be removed after some days and also rotation of log files can be based on date, size & limit
If you know anymore famous npm libraries feel free to add below 👇
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