How to make a text - based dice roller in python


Hello everyone welcome to my another post, in this post as you read the title I am going to tell you how to make a Text-Based Dice roller in python

Required modules

  • random
  • numpy

Uses of modules

  • random : We will use this module to display random numbers from 1 - 6
  • numpy : We will use this to create arrays

Let's Code

Importing the modules

from numpy import random

Making a function which will choose a random number between 1 - 6 and will print it

def dice():
 random_int = random.choice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
 print("The number is: \n" + str(random_int))

Writing the code to ask user if he/she wants to continue

ask = True

while (ask == True):

 print("Enter Yes or y to roll dice again \n")
 conti = input("Do you want to continue? \n")

 if conti == "yes":

 elif conti == "y":


With this we have completed our text based dice roller in python.
I hope you all enjoyed this post. Feel free to ask questions in the comments section.

Thanks For Reading