PetLog - A MongoDB based app where you can keep track on your pets' life and info

Overview of My Submission

Having pets it’s awesome! But also lots of work. You need to keep up with vaccines, baths, day care, vet, food, training schedules, park time, treats, toys, poops, injuries, etc. There isn’t on the market a solution that helps you keep track of all of your pets’ important information, while also helping you manage it. PetLog is a mobile first solution that aggregates all necessary tools in order for all pet owners to keep track of their pets' life and important info.


With Pet Log, pet owners get:

  • Pet profile for each pet
  • Pet journal, with all important registries on the pet’s health
  • Alerts for specific events
  • Photo storage
  • Access to and post pet-friendly recipes and its reviews
  • Access to and post pet services nearby, like vets, dog parks and daycare, and share the ones they know with other users, and its reviews

Submission Category:

PetLog falls into the "Choose Your Own Adventure" category. I built this application based on a personal need (Zazu and Mac - my 2 dogs), and by using MongoDB and its range of capabilities, I was able to find a pretty cool solution.

Link to Code (both repos hold the README and License files)

Link to PetLog

Additional Resources / Info

PetLog was built mobile first, so I invite you to visit it in a mobile sized screen.

In the public view (user is not logged in), users can only access registration pages (sign up and log in), and community's added recipes (public ones) and services. Users are only able to view content, and not publish.

In the private view (user has sign up and is logged in), is where the fun begins!

Users can now view recipes and services content, as well as publish.

The main dashboard is where users can access all of PetLog's functionalities, as well as see the next 4 events happening in their pets' life. The Menu on the left corner of the navbar takes the user everywhere and allows for log out. By clicking on their progile picture, users can update their personal information.

The Pets section allows the user to add pets to their profile, which is the basis to the notification system and pet journal. There, the user can not only add pets, but see all of the pets he currently has, as well as their relevant information.

By adding the birthday on pet creation, PetLog stores an event and notificates the user on the pet's next birthday.

On each pet's profile, the user can access the pet's journal with all of its logs, so that he can track the pet's life and important information.

When creating a Vaccines log, PetLog will store an event and notificate the user 1 week before the expiration date of the vaccine.

Food log is an interesting one! Each pet's profile has a field where user can introduce its pet's weight and average daily food quantity ingested. Food logs are created when the user buys or makes a batch of food for its pet. On creation, PetLog asks the quantity of food bought/made and, at the back, it will calculate when the user should be running out of food stock, based on the quantity bought and the average daily food ingested. PetLog will, then, notificate the user of that event.

P.S.: in my personal case, Food logs are even useful in order to keep track on the last food flavour bought, so that flavours don't repeat ofter - my dogs are picky!

Last, but not least, there is a Photo section, where users can store all of their pets' photos, so that showcasing them to friends and family is easier and more direct!

Enjoy PetLog!