How can I run natively 'Big Commerce Stencil CLI' on Apple Silicon M1 Chip
I am a front-end engineer who mostly works on a Bigcommerce platform. Bigcommerce uses a handlebar with the 'stencil command line interface' and it requires 'node version manager' (nvm).
I switched my Intel Macbook Pro with M1 Chip Macbook Pro then I couldn't realize this migration will be a little bit ticky.
I installed homebrew then node and nvm packages then I followed the steps on bigcommerce developer website.
However, almost every project gives different errors but all of them are related to the 'node' version. I've gotten few-hour research on Google but these were not about BigCommerce 'stencil-cli',
Jump to 'TL;DR'
Here is the perfect version of the NVM for your delicious Stencil Templates.
# For ARM based macs // for bash
arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh
# For ARM based macs // for Fish Shell
arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/fish
brew install node
brew install nvm
# which is LTS for v12
nvm install 12.13.0
nvm alias default 12.13.0
npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cli
Then start your project with
stencil start -o
Please check out our website to get more information about BigCommerce Development and Marketing.
Thanks for reading, Happy hacking 🧡