NPM - Fast-repo 🚀🚀

Perform quick actions on one or many repositories.

Why ? 🐙

If you are the type of person who has a lot of ideas, often creates repositories and loves open source ? Then this project is for you.

Fast-repo is a module that literally allows you to create a repository with pre-configured settings, a README and gitignore file depending on the language you use and other features in a few seconds.


npm install -g fast-repo

Note - We recommend using this version.

Or with NPX

npx fast-repo <commands> [options]

Usage 🖍

fast-repo <commands> [options]

Commands 🕹

  • config [options] - Create the config to be able to perform actions.
  • create [options] - Create the repository.

Note - Enter fast-repo --help for more informations about commands and options available.

Examples 🙋‍♂️

First create config folder with the config --create command

It is important to create before running this command a personal token on your github profile and select the repo and delete_repo scopes. More informations here github token documentation

Then create some repositories

By entering the create --name=<repo-name> command a series of questions will be asked in particular if you'll like to create a folder linked to the github repository.
By default if no -p, --path flag is present we'll be using the process.cwd() function to determine where to create this folder, enter the -p flag with a new path to clear the old one.

Delete one or more repositories

If you like this project and want to contribute, do not hesitate to clone the repository and put a little like 🌟😇🌟

Happy coding ! 🦄✨


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