Comparison between ReactJS and React Native
You must have been confused between React and React Native; They don’t just share the same name, but the same logo too, gets mentioned same time. In this article, we will be comparing React and React Native. First, know what exactly are they:
What is react?
Released by Facebook in 2013, React is a JavaScript library for modern apps and web development. React is used to handle the view layer and can be used to develop both web and mobile applications. In addition, there is a mobile-specific react framework for mobile app development named ‘React Native.’
What is React Native?
Unlike React, React Native is built for Cross-platform Mobile App Development. It Primarily uses React and react’s libraries for mobile development. React Native opens developers to react components to build a mobile app for different platforms, including Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, and Linux. React Native can forge the full potential of React in its framework.
The difference between ReactJS & React Native
ReactJS is a popular choice when it comes to a front end & single page development; Here is why:
Fast & efficient development
React requires less coding while providing more functionalities in even dynamic app development, unlike JavaScript, which includes complex codings.
Better Performance
React works with Virtual DOM, which makes web and app development faster. Virtual DOM compares the components’ regular and previous states and only updates necessary components instead of updating the whole program and providing developers faster results with less work.
Easy & Fast Adoption
React is easy to learn because it mostly contains basic HTML and JavaScript components with some valuable additions. Thus, you can learn and adapt to work with ReactJS’s library in a short time.
Reusable Codes
Components and codes are building blocks that build any react application, and even a single app contains multiple components and codes. Every component and code have their control and logic; react then can be used throughout the application, which helps to reduce development time.
Unidirectional Data Flow
ReactJS follows a unidirectional data flow system. React allows parent components to nest child components. When Data flows in a single direction, debugging and fixing become much more accessible. Developers can trach errors in apps at the exact moment they appear.
Dedicated Tools for Debug
Facebook provided react community a Chrome browser extension that allows debugging React applications within browsers. One more reason to choose reactJS over others.
React Native
Based on JavaScript
React Native is also written in JavaScript like React, which helps developers in easier coding. JavaScript Developers find it familiar after first use.
One Development and Many Platform
It’s a cross platform app development framework. You have to develop your product one, and you can run it on other platforms without separate development; Thus, fast and convenient development.
Wider Community Support
React Native is backed by Facebook, Which continuously makes improvements and updates. In addition, It has a wide community using and working with React Native, including over 45,000 members. Users and openly askes in community channels and get support from this wide community.
Still Needs some Improvements
React Native still doesn’t include many useful modules and plug-ins, So you might end up somewhere between development. You can reach community channels for help or a professional React Native Developer. If you are a React expert, it won’t be a problem because React Native supports React Elements.
As a wise man said, ‘No one is perfect; So React Native is. It has some drawbacks, but still, it has to offer more than any other framework out there.
ReactJS vs. React Native
Let’s take it Streght; React and React Native are not competitors; they are both almost the same and basically JavaScript Tools but vary differently for their specific purposes. It depends on your requirements and project, Which you should use. Here are some key differences -
ReactJS Vs React Native
Best for Interactive UI & UX development
Best for Mobile App Development & Cross-Platform App
Reusable Components
Pre-Built Components for Convenience in Development
Re-Useable Codes
Simple UI even for New Users
Easier Development for Cross-Platform Work
Primarily for Web Development
Primarily for Mobile & Cross-Platform App
Basically A Library
Basically A Framework