Lets make an quote-of-the-day instagram bot!
Make a files:
import urllib.request
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps
import requests
from instabot import Bot
def dl_image():
image_url = "https://source.unsplash.com/user/eberhardgross/1080x1080/"
urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_url, "image.jpg")
print("Installing image")
The following code will get an 1080x1080 image by the author eberhardgross from unsplash, Why him ? I haven't seen anything 18+ from this user and have seen amazing images only!
def dailyquote():
response = requests.get('https://quotes.rest/qod.json?language=en')
response_output = response.json()
return response_output
This code will get a json daily quote of the day response from quotes.rest, as you can see we will output certain results that we from FROM the dailyquote function later!
We will be doing this so we can get a good word-per-line system, so we see the whole text!
def wrap_by_word(s, n):
a = s.split()
ret = ''
for i in range(0, len(a), n):
ret += ' '.join(a[i:i+n]) + '\n'
return ret
def text_overlay_ig(quote, author):
quote = wrap_by_word(quote, 6)
image_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'image.jpg')
im = Image.open(image_file)
Fixing the quote line order and then opening our image file
Time to put on everything!
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
font = ImageFont.truetype('font.ttf', size=60)
(x, y) = (125, 300)
shadowColor = (0, 0, 0)
thickness = 4
draw.text((x - thickness, y - thickness), quote,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x + thickness, y - thickness), quote,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x - thickness, y + thickness), quote,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x + thickness, y + thickness), quote,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x, y), quote, spacing=4, fill=(
255, 255, 255), font=font)
(x, y) = (125, 700)
author = "— " + author
draw.text((x - thickness, y - thickness), author,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x + thickness, y - thickness), author,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x - thickness, y + thickness), author,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x + thickness, y + thickness), author,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x, y), author, spacing=4, fill=(
255, 255, 255), font=font)
i'd recommend using https://github.com/9ebd7134/Python-quote-of-the-day-instagram-bot/blob/master/font.ttf just click on download and put it in your folder ! The font is easy to read so its perfect
And now lets put on the quote on the image
(x, y) = (125, 300)
shadowColor = (0, 0, 0)
thickness = 4
draw.text((x - thickness, y - thickness), quote,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x + thickness, y - thickness), quote,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x - thickness, y + thickness), quote,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x + thickness, y + thickness), quote,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x, y), quote, spacing=4, fill=(
255, 255, 255), font=font)
The x, y are the position of the text we want to put, change this but be careful this won't change based on the text length! We could do that but lets stick with this for now
Everything else is us just putting the text alongside the text shadow on the image.
Time to put the author
(x, y) = (125, 700)
author = "— " + author
draw.text((x - thickness, y - thickness), author,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x + thickness, y - thickness), author,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x - thickness, y + thickness), author,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x + thickness, y + thickness), author,
font=font, fill=shadowColor, thick=thickness)
draw.text((x, y), author, spacing=4, fill=(
255, 255, 255), font=font)
Same thing but we are changing the x, y positions AND also adding — to the author username
quote = dailyquote()['contents']['quotes'][0]['quote']
author = dailyquote()['contents']['quotes'][0]['author']
tags = dailyquote()['contents']['quotes'][0]['tags']
text_overlay_ig(quote, author)
ptag = ''
for tag in tags:
ptag += "#" + tag + ' '
content = "This bot was made by ryan s.(@9ebd7134 on github), Hope you enjoyed this quote, This quote was by"+author+"\nLinks:\n📷Image by: https://unsplash.com/user/eberhardgross\nTags:\n#️⃣ " + ptag;
bot = Bot()
bot.login(username="****", password="password1234")
bot.upload_photo("image.jpg", caption=content)
Simply change the caption/content and then bot.login username/password details for this to fully work!
I'll be updating this and updating the github page for it, i will make an issue and a pull request talking all about the changes! If you want to fix my code i'd love to see it!