How to Deep dive in Programing

How to Deep dive in Programing or other things

if you learn any things. if yor learn web development or machin leanring or dsa or any programing then make sure to go deep dive decause goind deep dive is very important.

// step: 1
console.log("going Deep dive")

How to go deep dive

first we know what the meaning of deep dive. deep dive is the going to edge of this topic let's imagin you learn vim text Editor if you don't know vim command you then you not using vim so first learn vim command and when we learn vim then go to the under the vim

Long story short: when you watch a cooking video on yt then you are not a chef when you cook this resipe then you are a chef, but when we watch the video then we things haah! it's easy but when we make then it's hard so don't overthiking just do it

so how to deep dive: when you learn any thing then make sure not learn so many things in once. let you learn web development then complete the whole course no looking any where, like: you learn java and you watch python code and you think it's easy i learn python. don't do this at all

Moral: learn one technology in once time complete and then go to other

What do i get form going deep dive

once you complete the one course then you feeling good and you get many skill.

// step: 2
console.log("you earn many things")

Going Deep dive is a good habits. if you are a developer then your are life time learner, so you have a skill of going deep dive it's greate

moral: you earn so many things to get going deep dive.

Is deep dive is a skill

maybe, because consistency is greate thing don't be over thinging or panic about it when you get consisteny then you get how to deep dive into a subject or anything

ok tell me about deep dive

Deep dive: even to take pearl, one has to go under the sea.
one has to go down to the ground to get a diamond.
so you want a skill so goind deep dive in the subject

Thanks for reading

  • your friend Hari om singh