Flutter, Code Static Analysis with SonarQube
This article will give you a brief introduction to an analysis tool for your code.
We will try to answer these questions: Why use sonarqube? How to install it?
- The Spanish version of this article: Link
Sonarqube, like so many similar tools, allows us to perform static code analysis, this will guide us to detect points for improvement.
It will help us to identify the things that we are doing good, and mainly the things that we are doing wrong.
Among the main uses, we can highlight the possibility of identifying aspects such as:
- duplicate code
- dead code
- coding standards
- unnecessary comments
- lack of unit tests and integration tests
- file size and methods
- spaghetti code
- vulnerabilities
- Quality Gate: Rules that the analyzed project must comply with to pass the stage.
- Bugs and Vulnerabilities: Refers to actual or potential failures.
- Code smells: It is an indication that helps you with the writing of your code. It does not mean that you have any errors, it is just a suggestion to reduce the risk of errors.
- Coverage: It allows us to know how much code has been tested and validated by the tests.
Let's see the steps to install it and integrate it into your developer day.
1) Install sonarqube from terminal with the following command:
docker pull sonarqube
2) Run the sonarqube container, there are two ways to do it:
- Using the following command
docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:latest
If you download another version instead of latest change to the specific version.
Important: remember the --name for later use.
3) Enter to localhost:9000 to validate that everything it's running fine. You will see a section like the following image, the username and password is admin:
4) We are going to install a plugin so we can be able to support the analysis in Flutter,
- Download from section releases the last version of the file .jar
- We are going to copy the downloaded file using the terminal and then we are going to paste it into the docker container.
From the docker application we are going to execute the cli and then take the "id-docker" from the docker container as shown in the following images.
Then you copy the .jar file to the docker container:
docker cp file_path.jar id-docker:/opt/name/extensions/plugins
file_path.jar: path where you download the file .jar
id-docker: id of the container obtained in the previous step
name: container name. If you followed the tutorial without making changes, it is sonarqube
- Check in the CLI console that you have the .jar file in the correct location
- Reboot the docker container
5) Download the SonarScanner
- Download the .zip file for your OS and set it as a system variable for your OS
- Ex: On my Mac,
- Download and unzip in a folder called tools in $HOME
- Then my bash/zsh configuration is as follows:
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/tools/sonar-scanner/bin"
6) Let's go back to localhost:9000
7) Followed by that, create a project and choose the option Manually
8) Enter a key and name that you like
9) Enter a token for your project
10) Create a configuration file in your flutter project called: sonar-project.properties
# Project identification
sonar.projectName=Flutter Rocks
# Source code location.
# Path is relative to the sonar-project.properties file. Defaults to .
# Use commas to specify more than one folder.
# Encoding of the source code. Default is default system encoding.
# Allows reuse of an existing analyzer report
# sonar.dart.analysis.reportPath=
# Analyzer mode
# Can be:
# - flutter (flutter analyze) - default
# - dart (dart analyze)
# - legacy (dartanalyzer)
# sonar.flutter.analyzer.mode=
If you want to use your own linter analyzer add this:
The analysis_options.yaml file already exists under the project root
11) Execute the command for your OS as indicated by the SonarQube console in the root of your project
sonar-scanner \
-Dsonar.projectKey=NAME \
-Dsonar.sources=. \
-Dsonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000 \
-Dsonar.login=AuthenticationToken -X;
12) Result: You can reload your dashboard to see all outputs
PD: If you get an error when Flutter is indexing the files in the test-folder, you can follow this solution
PD2: If you want to exclude build_runner classes, you can use the previous solution.
Sonarqube can become an ally for projects where you have teams that require evaluating the quality of the code and taking a quality leap. It will allow you to create "rules" so that a team can keep up with customer expectations. It is still very crude for flutter and I think one of the following libraries may suffice.
Static code analysis, I think that in most cases it is enough to use one of these libraries: Lint, VeryGoodAnalysis, Pedantic
The steps to run and install sonarqube are short. The thing that I wanted to achieve was to be as detailed as possible for people who are just starting and need a more detailed step-by-step.
Thanks to get here.
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There's a Spanish version of this article on hashnode. You're welcome. 🇪🇸
See you in an upcoming Flutter article!!
- https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/setup/get-started-2-minutes/
- https://hub.docker.com/_/sonarqube.
- https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/cp/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29837369/cant-be-indexed-twice-testsourcedirectory-and-sourcedirectory-are-same/40150551#40150551
- https://github.com/insideapp-oss/sonar-flutter