Migrating blog to Eleventy
I recently migrated my blog to Eleventy. My previous engine for generating static site was Gatsby.js. Why change then? Problem with gatsby was that it was really slow. And I mean that. To start development server on my Macbook Air 2019 I had to wait a bit for gatsby to start. The same was with deployment to Netlify. What was good? Image handling and plugin system. For every stuff you may need you could plug gatsby plugin something and in most cases it worked. Why 11ty then? I turns out that it is pretty fast and I really like to going back to some basic HTML, CSS & JS. I have to admit that after being in React land it was nice to just throw bunch of nunjucks templates and render website.
The main pain-point for me was a migration process. Firstly 11ty handles images differently than gatsby does. By default it expects you to have a folder img
which then can be copied passthrough by 11ty. What I did was:
- copy images to
- convert them to wepb + use blog post dates as a prefix.
Gatsby in the other hand is coping through images linked inside markdown. To accomplish that in 11ty you can use eleventy-plugin-page-assets.
Because of migrating images to src/img
I had to migrate image references in markdown files as well. Instead of using image syntax for markdown: 
I"m using nunjucks shortcode. For example by using this shortcode inside markdown:
{% img "Path without extension", "Alt text", "Figcaption text" %}
Under the hood shortcode is setting HTML figure with figcaption & clickable image (snippet from 11ty config):
config.addShortcode("img", (path, alt, figcaption) => {
return `<figure>
<a href="/img/${path}.webp" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
<img src="/img/${path}.webp" loading="lazy" alt="${alt}">
What I like here with shortcode is a way of abstracting stuff. I can change how img
shortcode is defined and all images in all files will be affected by change in one place.
I had to cleanup a markdown frontmatter as well. Besides migrating from date & time to only date I had to rename slug to permalink. As a last step I removed tags from frontmatter - I really did not used them much. Thanks to VS Code regex search & replace I was able to do it automatically. I learned that you can capture a regex group by putting ()
around expression and use it inside replace as $1
. Super helpful!
// find & replace example with regex capture groupslug: '(.\*)' // findpermalink: '$1/index.html' // replace by
That is all for now! In this blog post I wrote about my experience with migrating blog from Gatsby to Eleventy and what I learned a long the way.